Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Boston

 In Boston Events

Are you planning on attending a meeting or convention in Boston in the near future? One of these particular gatherings, predicted to bring in thousands of attendees, is the Experimental Biology 2015 Annual Meeting.  Taking place on March 28th through the 31st, this convention is one that focuses on enhancing your experiences and understanding of numerous biological fields and areas of research.

As with conventions in the past, there is a significant number of people who travel from various regions throughout the country to attend this event.  The meeting is comprised of several days of discussions and sessions, and many times guests will opt to stay extra days to explore the city itself and take advantage of their opportunity to travel to the area.

In a case such as this, Maverick Empire invites anyone seeking short term apartment rentals or boutique housing to contact us.  We have four properties located in various exceptional sections of the city, and we have proven time and again to be a great choice for those seeking an extended stay in Boston.

Call us today to discuss availability and schedule your stay! 877-795-4387

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