Boston Public Library: Spend a few hours here

 In Boston Events, Boston Neighborhoods

The 1st municipal public library in the U.S.

With a collection of over 23.7 million items you can practically hear book pages rustling as you walk up the steps.

The Boston Public Library, BPL, is a municipal public library system encompassing several locations. The Central Library is located in Copley Square in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood.

It is also the Library for the Commonwealth which means that all adult residents of the commonwealth are entitled to borrowing and research privileges, and the library receives state funding.

The Boston Public Library is Free and Fun!

The architecture of the Central Boston Public Library is another great example of amazing buildings in Boston. Plus, the artwork housed inside is museum-worthy and FREE to enjoy.

Related: Enjoy Boston on a Budget

Public Tours

The Boston Public Library offers daily FREE public tours by trained volunteer guides.

Tours last approximately one hour and begin from the McKim Building vestibule, through the library’s Dartmouth Street entrance.

Private tours, Student Groups and a self-guided walking tour are also available.

Collections of Distinction

According to their website the Library’s Collections of Distinction represent the most outstanding, expansive, and renowned of the Boston Public Library’s physical collections.

Featured collections include:

Programs & Events

The Boston Public Library hosts thousands of programs and dozens of exhibitions each year. Find out more about these events, which are free to all.

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