Labor Day Boston Getaway

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It seems as though summer has come and gone in the blink of an eye.  While the warm weather has not yet left us, August is undoubtedly coming to an end and the fall season will be here before we know it.  While the thought of cooler days may be weary to some, we are in fact very fortunate to be located in such a beautiful area of New England.  So, with Labor Day just around the corner, why not take an extended Boston vacation to celebrate summer’s end and the start of an amazing autumn?

The start of September is a perfect time to visit the area, and since many others might think the same, why not avoid overpaying for a packed hotel and opt for comfortable, clean, boutique housing that is provided by Maverick Empire?  With four locations to choose from, you have different options for where you want to take in your Boston scenery while also enjoying a fully-furnished apartment rental that feels like home away from home.

The end of summer is the ideal time to take one last trip and relax.  Contact us today to see our availability and schedule your stay in our short term housing to avoid the unnecessary stresses that can arise during the hotel booking and vacation planning process.

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