November: Things to Do in Boston

 In Boston Events

Looking for something to do this November?

Boston is never short on fun and interesting things to do and November is no exception.

Last week we provided options for Thanksgiving Dinner in Boston and here have fun things to do throughout the rest of the month. Enjoy!

Veteran’s Day: Parades and more!november-veterans-day-parade

Friday, November 11, 2016

Not just one, but two 2016 Veterans Day Parades, a special Harbor cruise to Fort Warren to explore Boston’s military history, and several other special events mark the occasion.

Traditionally, Veterans Day sales in Boston provide large discounts. Several area restaurants offer free meals to Veterans, too!

Boston Comedy Fest

November 11th also kicks off the Boston Comedy Fest which runs through November 19th. Click on the link to check out the lineups, see who is being awarded Comedian of the Year and Lifetime Achievement awards, and other events associated with this annual good time!

Ice Skating on Boston Common’s Frog Pond

Another annual tradition that usually starts mid to late November.

 Black Friday Salesnovember-black-friday-sales

Friday, November 25th kicks off the Holiday Shopping Season. Don’t miss these places to pick up some great deals!

Where should you go?  Try these Black Friday suggestions:

The Nutcrackernovember-nutcracker

The Boston Ballet presents The Nutcracker from November 25th through December 31st, 2016. Whether you are seeing it again or for the first time, The Nutcracker will capture your imagination and transport you to a magical world of toy solders and dancing snowflakes. Create an annual tradition with family and friends at one of New England’s most beloved holiday events.

Free Things to in Boston in November

Free equals good! Check out this list of fun and free events in Boston.

What are your favorite things to do in Boston?

Let us know and we’ll add them to our list.

Staying in Boston?402-columbus-2

If you have family or friends coming into town for the holidays who are looking for a place to stay, consider short-term apartment rentals. It feels more like a “home away from home” with all the conveniences and none of the hassle. Call us today for availability. 877-795-4387

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