Parking in Boston

 In Boston Neighborhoods, Locations

Boston is not a grid. parking in bostonBoston’s streets were designed in horse and buggy times, not for our current space age of modern gasoline powered automobile times. Finding your way around can be a challenge and finding parking can be frustrating. Here is our guide to making it all easier so you can spend more time doing and less time circling the block.

Metered Parking in Boston

Ah, the convenience of pulling up to the curb in front of your favorite restaurant,  feeding the meter a handful of quarters and running inside is not as easy as it sounds. Boston’s meters are scarce, and often spaces are marked as “Resident Only” Spaces.

The Office of the Parking Clerk has the job of issuing and collecting parking fines, but they are also responsible for the development and maintenance of the Resident Permit Parking Program. This program is designed to give residents a better chance of finding on-street parking in their own neighborhoods. So, we can’t be too annoyed by people wanting to park close to home.

When you can find a meter you get 12 minutes for $0.25–that’s a lot of quarters! But $1.25/hour is a pretty good deal!

The good news is that there are apps such as ParkBoston where you can pay for parking meters with your phone. Drivers get reminders before their parking time expires and can extend the time without rushing back to the meter. Sweet!

parking in boston

Parkopedia is another great app that shows you all the available parking in Boston and the prices. Unfortunately, it does not tell you whether a garage or metered space is full or not. You still need to have some uncertainly and adventure in your life!

Free Parking Days In Boston

You get a break on Sundays! And on City of Boston Holidays. These are the usual federal and state holidays and a couple that are specific to Boston like Evacuation Day (March 17), Patriots Day (3rd Monday in April), and Bunker Hill Day (June 17).

Parking Garages in Boston

You will definitely pay more than $1.25/hour at a garage, but you won’t have to worry about adding more quarters or getting a parking ticket either. Parking at a garage is waaaayyyyyy cheaper than paying a fine.

BostonParking is a great website that shows the best parking and garages around the city. You simple type in where you want to park and it will give you options based on location. Easy!

parking in boston

Have Fun

No matter what fun activities you have planned, spend a minute or two checking out the parking situation near where you are going so you don’t waste time circling the block losing gas and your temper. There are plenty of parking options in Boston, you just need to know where they are.

Got any parking tips? We’d love to hear them. Please leave them in the comments below. Thanks!

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