Things EVERY Man’s Apartment Needs

 In Short Term Apartment Rentals

Attention all Men!

Are you renting your first apartment? Do you want to upgrade a bit because of a love interest? Not happy with the man cave approach to living anymore?

This list of items will launch into the adult category of living and possible boost your love life as well. Check ’em out! You are welcome!

Proper Beverage Glasseswhat ever man's apartment needs

Plastic Solo cups just don’t cut it anymore. If you want to serve a sophisticated glass of wine, it should be in a wine glass. A really nice glass can (and will) make a cheap bottle of wine look better. Look how that glass of wine even makes this pizza look better!

Towels: In different sizestowels with candles and a rose

Buy a matching set that includes a couple wash clothes, hand towels and large, fluffy bath towels. You never know what an overnight guest might prefer. However, we guarantee it isn’t a holey, faded beach towel from spring break.

Hint: See how awesome those candles make the towels look!

Also, while you are out shopping, get an extra set of sheets (or two) for your bed. You won’t have to do laundry as often.

Coffee Table

Even if it just for propping your feet on while you watch TV, it will come in handy for all sorts of things. Pizza boxes, beer, more candles…coffee perhaps.

Notice the glass. It is not red or plastic.

man's apartment coffee table

 A Futon (or at least a decent couch)

Everyone has owned a futon at least once. They are functional and versatile and come in a variety of sizes. And they are A LOT easier to move than a fold out couch, which are so 1970s anyway. If you don’t like futons, no problem. Just make sure your couch is new-ish, comfortable and free of any identifiable stains.  If you can afford your own apartment you should also treat yourself to comfortable furniture–you will be the one spending the most time using it.

Coat Rackmodern silver coat rack with black jacket

You will need a place to hang your guests’ coats who come over to drink your wine and admire your new coffee table.

Plus, it is easier to leave your apartment when you can find your coat.

Shoe Rack

For all the same reasons you need a coat rack, but for shoes.

mne's dress shoes lined up on a shoe rack

Dining Table

The coffee table is only so big and you might want to invite more than one friend over at a time.

small modern dining table with chairs

Coffee Maker

It might save your life one morning, or at least your wallet. Cheaper than a triple chocolate latte at the cafe.

Additional Items to Consider

  • A robe
  • A welcome mat
  • Bathroom scale
  • Full length mirror
  •  A small desk
  • An adjustable floor lamp
  • An electric fan
  • Mini fridge/mini bar

Good luck and have fun in your new apartment!

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