Advantages of our Boston Corporate Apartment Rentals

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Boston Short Term Rental Advantages

At first glance, the advantages of an extended stay apartment might not be abundantly clear, but when you uncover all the advantages there really is no other choice when traveling on business.

  • Our short term rentals are designed like studio apartments, complete with all the luxuries that you might find in your own home. In unit kitchens allow you to prepare your own food and avoid the costly price of eating out or ordering room service every night.
  • Unlike some hotels that charge you for internet, our corporate stay apartments have free WiFi and cable TV.
  • With 5 convenient locations in Boston, our corporate apartments offer easy access to Downtown Boston, Colleges, Hospitals and easy access to all lines of public transportation.
  • Our short term rentals are extremely affordable when compared to Hotel prices. With the average price of a hotel in Boston at almost $300 a night, our corporate studios area great solution for those in town on an extended stay.

Contact us to find out more about each of our 5 locations in downtown Boston.

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