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Winter is Coming!… Are You Ready?

Gutters cleaned out?…Yep. Snow-shovel ready?…You betcha. Attic properly vented?…Huh? 

WINTER IS COMINGWe KNOW winter is coming and getting ready starts NOW!  Check for any roof damage and make sure your attic is vented so it remains cool. A cooler attic helps prevent ice dams from forming which cause meltwater to back up and flow into your home, damaging walls and ceilings.

Furnace Tune-Up.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Act soon, so you’re not 200th in line for repairs on the coldest day of the year. It’s also a good idea to check for gaps around the outside of window and door frames.  Caulk any space wider than a nickel to prevent heat from escaping.

WINTER IS COMINGInspect the Chimney. Hire a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep to inspect your fireplace chimney and vents to ensure they are clean and in good repair, before you build the first fire. Address all safety concerns to minimize the risk of a chimney fire and carbon monoxide creeping into your home.

WINTER IS COMINGPrepare for the worst!  Snow rakes sold out last year- don’t wait for the first storm to restock supplies.  Make sure you have plenty of salt or ice melt on hand too!   What are your MUST-HAVE winter items?  Tell us below!

WINTER IS coming!… Read More Tips to Get Your Home Ready and also video Quick tips!

Blizzard of 1978 photo courtesy of Mark Murray


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